Legal age requirements for using the service
Last updated March 15, 2023 · 1 min to read
Our Terms of Service require users must be of the minimum age required to be able to legally consent to using the service. We may ask you for your birthday during signup or when you encounter age-restricted content - this information is used in accordance with our Privacy Policy to ensure users remain safe and cannot access age-restricted content if applicable.
We do not use this information in any other way beyond our legal obligations.
With exception to the countries listed below, the minimum age to use our platform is 13.
Country | Age |
Austria | 14 years old |
Bulgaria | 14 years old |
Croatia | 16 years old |
Cyprus | 14 years old |
Czech Republic | 15 years old |
France | 15 years old |
Germany | 16 years old |
Greece | 15 years old |
Hungary | 16 years old |
Ireland | 16 years old |
Italy | 14 years old |
Netherlands | 16 years old |
Poland | 16 years old |
Romania | 16 years old |
San Marino | 16 years old |
Serbia | 16 years old |
Slovakia | 16 years old |
Spain | 14 years old |